RVs typically have at least two sewer tanks. One collects "gray" water, which is water from the sinks and shower/tub. The other is the "black" tank which is everything from the toilet. Some RVs have more than one of either the gray or black tanks.
The gray tank is the one that holds the waste water that includes soap, dirt, and food particles. Dish soaps, body soaps and shampoos can leave a build up. Think of your tub at home and the soap scum ring that appears after taking a bath. This ends up in your gray tank and begins to build up as well. Now add to this the grease from the spaghetti sauce wasted off the plates in the sink and the various food particles from the sink and you have a potion for both build-up and smells.
Well, there is no kind way to word this. The black tank holds all of the human excrement. If your tanks have never been professionally cleaned, there is surely a build-up of human waste in the tank. Even if you flush it out, you'll never get it all. When the RV sits in storage, especially in warm weather the heat will evaporate the liquids in the tank leaving behind a dry mound of poop! If you aren't using your toilet correctly, and most RVers don't you are likely to experience a "poop pyramid."
As if the contents of the black and gray tanks weren't enough, there is another culprit causing havov in the black tank; struvite. Struvite is the hard mineral by-product of the off-gassing of human waste and decay. Struvite can be a big problem, causing clogs, causing tank sensors to misread, adding weight to your tanks, holding odors... and you can't get it out through regularly dumping your tanks or even using tank rinsers or wands.
As with all of our services, WE COME TO YOUR RV. We will come visit with you and your tanks the next time you are camping. You must be at an RV park, resort, or campground where you have full hookups at your site (shore power, water, and sewer hookup). Please make sure your site has access to all three. The cleaning only takes about an hour and the equipment we use is very quiet.
Don't hesitate to ask!!! We are happy to discuss the process and answer any questions you have. Give us a call or text at 815-714-9831